Knoxville Local Artist Branding Photo Session

Professional Photography can take your business to the next level.

As a business owner, I know the value and importance of having up to date professional photos that represent your brand. I regularly invest in photo sessions with other local photographers to keep my online presence fresh. Outsourcing your photo needs is a great step to invest in your business.

Showcase your brand.

If you have a business, whether it be online or brick & mortar, product or service-based, how you market your business online through photography is so important. Professional images are such a helpful tool for your website or social media presence to help showcase your product beautifully, give a sneak peek look into your process behind-the-scenes, or introduce your customers & clients to the face & hard working hands behind the product or service that they’re investing in.

Meet Haley

Haley Harb is a local Knoxville artist who makes beautiful abstract acrylic paintings. (I have two huge ones in my dining room!) We had a blast together at this shoot in her home studio. We used it as a chance to capture a little bit of Haley’s hard work behind the scenes and her beautiful face, too!

Why does it matter for people to see your face?

We are way more likely to invest in products or services when we know, like, and trust the person behind the business, aren’t we? That’s why it’s SO important that your clients & customers get to know a little bit about who YOU are! It turns an order into a conversation and a transaction into a relationship - which will benefit your business in the long run!

As your branding photographer, I am able to step back and see what you & your business is all about. I get to capture the moments where you come alive in your work and invite your customers and clients to see it too. I love celebrating the unique and hardworking business men & women I meet. And as always, I am cheering you on (because running a business is no joke).

Knoxville Local Artist Branding Photos of Haley Harb Admiring Canvas

I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into Haley’s beautiful world of art! She is an incredibly talented artist and is so confident in her creative process. If you run a business of your own and want to chat about what a creative branding photoshoot could like for marketing your business, I would love to chat!

Ready to invest in your business with a branding photo session?

Looking for more inspiration?


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